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Romance Author Jasmine Cresswell
About Jasmine
Jasmine Cresswell is the award-winning, USA-Today Bestselling author of more than seventy novels, published in seventeen languages and twenty-seven countries. There are more than 17 million copies of her books in print. She spends the winters in her Florida condo, located only a few feet from the north shore of Sarasota Bay. She’s fortunate enough to have a summer home nestled in North Carolina hill country, close to the small town of Cashiers and she enjoys every minute of the cool mountain weather which forms such a contrast to Florida’s heat.

Recently widowed, Jasmine is deeply grateful for the love and attention of her four children and twelve grandchildren. She’s particularly fortunate that three of her children live within a radius of fifty miles, and the fourth family, located in Washington DC, visits often. She is convinced her four children and twelve grandchildren are amazing. Never ask how the kids are doing unless you are prepared for a very long reply!

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